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Sichao He

Peking University
China, Beijing
PhD student

About me

A PhD student from AAIS of Peking University &
the technical director of Beijing Zhinong Technology Co. LTD;
I'm currently working in Beijing Zhinong Technology Co. LTD & PKU NIPlab;
Now learning Computational neuroscience, Deep learning, Machine learning


Chaoming Wang, Tianqiu Zhang, Xiaoyu Chen, Sichao He, Shangyang Li, Si Wu (2023) BrainPy, a flexible, integrative, efficient, and extensible framework for general-purpose brain dynamics programming eLife 12:e86365;
Chaoming Wang, Tianqiu Zhang, Sichao He, Hongyaoxing Gu, Shangyang Li, Si Wu (2024). A differentiable brain simulator bridging brain simulation and brain-inspired computing. The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). 2024.;
Chaoming Wang, Muyang Lyu, Tianqiu Zhang, Sichao He, Si Wu (2024). A Differentiable Approach to Multi-scale Brain Modeling ICML 2024 Workshop on Differentiable Almost Everything: Differentiable Relaxations, Algorithms, Operators, and Simulators;


Brainpy. Mainly implement brain dynamics event-driven operators and programming framework, also be responsible for maintenance and optimization;
Cloud Sports. As technical director, plan the whole development of the project and implement action detection algorithm;
Flight Delay prediction System. As an algorithm engineer, implement random forest and xgboost algorithm;
Zodiac Identification System. Independently accomplish, implement VGG16 and REPVGG networks;
Heat Conduction Calculate with MPI and CUDA. Independently accomplish, implement heat conduction calculate with Mpi4py and Pycuda;
Code Difference Comparision System. Independently accomplish, use token block and Winnowing algorithm to compare the difference of two python file
Video Auto Cut. Independently accomplish, develop a windows application to automatically cut video with scene detecting and audio analysing

Study Interests

Computational Neuroscience;
Computational Biology;
Machine learning;

Research experience

School of Cryptography, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences as research assistant(2022.7 - 2022.8);
Neuron Information Processing lab, Peking University as research assistant(2023.3 - Present);


AdventureX Hackathon - 1st Place in one track, 2nd Place in two tracks, and 3rd Place in one track (Total of 7 tracks entered)
Bronze Award of China International College Students' 'Internet+' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition;
First prize in the main track of 'Internet +' Competition, Beijing;
Second prize in the industrial proposition track of 'Internet +' Competition, Beijing;
Gold award of Challenge Cup, Beijing;
Third prize of National Digital Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition